As of 27 September 2024

Priority bills for passage before the end of 19th Congress


  1.  Corporate Recovery and Tax Incentives for Enterprises to Maximize Opportunities for Reinvigorating the Economy (CREATE MORE) Act
  2. Department of Water Resources
  3. Amendments to the Right-of-Way Act
  4. Excise Tax on Single-Use Plastics
  5. Rationalization of the Mining Fiscal Regime
  6. Amendments to the Electric Power Industry Reform Act (EPIRA)
  7. Amendments to the Foreign Investors’ Long-Term Lease Act
  8. Reforms to Philippine Capital Markets
  9. Archipelagic Sea Lanes Act
  10. Amendments to the Rice Tariffication Law

In Advanced Stages

  1. Self-Reliant Defense Posture Revitalization Act
  2. Philippine Maritime Zones Act
  3. Academic Recovery and Accessible Learning (ARAL) Program Act
  4. VAT on Digital Services
  5. New Government Auditing Code


  1. Blue Economy Act
  2. Enterprise-Based Education and Training Framework Act[1]
  3. Amendments to the Universal Health Care Act
  4. Open Access in Data Transmission Act
  5. Waste-to-Energy Bill
  6. Mandatory Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC)
  7. Unified System of Separation, Retirement and Pension of Military and Uniformed Personnel
  8. E-Government Act / E-Governance Act
  9. Amendments to the Agrarian Reform Law
  10. Philippine Immigration Act

Remaining bills

  1. Comprehensive Infrastructure Development Master Plan
  2. National Disease Prevention Management Authority
  3. Free Legal Assistance for Police and Soldiers
  4. Eastern Visayas Development Authority
  5. Passive Income and Financial Intermediary Taxation Act
  6. National Land Use Act
  7. Magna Carta of Barangay Health Workers
  8. Government Financial Institutions Unified Initiatives to Distressed Enterprises for Economic Recovery (GUIDE)
  9. Leyte Ecological Industrial Zone
  10. Enabling Law for the Natural Gas Industry
  11. Amendments to the Cooperative Code
  12. Medical Reserve Corps / Health Emergency Auxiliary Reinforcement Team (HEART)
  13. Virology Institute of the Philippines
  14. National Government Rightsizing Program
  15. Amendments to the Bank Deposits Secrecy Law
  16. Budget Modernization Bill
  17. National Defense Act
  18. Amendments to the Fisheries Code


  1. SIM Card Registration Act
  2. Postponement of Barangay/SK Elections
  3. Strengthening Professionalism in the AFP
  4. New Agrarian Emancipation Act
  5. Maharlika Investment Fund
  6. Regional Specialty Hospitals
  7. Trabaho Para sa Bayan Act
  8. Automatic Income Classification of LGUs
  9. Public-Private Partnership Code of the Philippines
  10. Internet Transactions Act
  11. Ease of Paying Taxes Act
  12. Tatak Pinoy (Proudly Filipino) Act
  13. New Philippine Passport Act
  14. Philippine Salt Industry Development Act
  15. Philippine Ecosystem and Natural Capital Accounting System (PENCAS)
  16. Negros Island Region
  17. Real Property Valuation and Assessment Reform Act
  18. New Government Procurement Act
  19. Anti-Financial Accounts Scamming Act
  20. Magna Carta of Filipino Seafarers
  21. Anti-Agricultural Economic Sabotage Act

[1] Replacing the Apprenticeship Bill